Babu R. Dawadi, PhD Computer Engg., MSc Info. and Comm. Engg., Masters of Public Administration Asst. Professor (उप-प्राध्यापक) , Institute of Engineering (IOE), Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University (TU) Co-Chairman, Laboratory for ICT Research and Development (LICT), IOE, TU Director, Networks, Cyber Security and Digital Forensic Wing of LICT Chairman, Class 9-12, Computer Engineering Subject Committee, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology-GoN Coordinator, MSc Computer Engineering Specialization in Network and Cyber Security (MSNCS), IOE Pulchowk Campus, Nepal Member, Implementation Committee, Research, Training and Consulting Unit, DOECE, IOE Pulchowk Campus, Nepal Member, Execution Committee, NTA Excellence Center for ICT Research and Development, IOE-NTA Project Member, IT Sub-Committee, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) Principal Investigator, UGC Collaborative Research Grants Project -CISNetMiN (ID: CRG-078/79-Engg-01) Editor, IOE News Bulletin, IOE, TU
e-mail: baburd @ ioe . edu . np, baburd @ gmail . com
Babu R. Dawadi has completed his bachelors degree in Computer Engineering in 2003, M.Sc. in Information & Communication Engineering in 2008, and PhD in Computer Engineering in 2021 from Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University Nepal. Additionally he completed his Masters in Publication Administration Degree in 2013 from Tribhuvan University. Dr. Dawadi had worked as an Asst. Director at Nepal Telecommunications Authority, an autonomous ICT regulatory body of Nepal from Dec. 2009 to Nov. 2012. Since Nov. 2012, he is the full time faculty at Department of electronics and computer engineering, IOE, Pulchowk Campus. He has deserved himself in teaching different subjects under Computer Science and Engineering for bachelor, Masters, and PhD level. Dr. Dawadi has ample experiences of handling networking and internet server system with IPv6 research network at Center for Information Technology (CIT), IOE Pulchowk Campus being worked as System/Network Engineer and System In-charge of CIT. He worked as consultant IT specialist at organizations like World Bank and in different ICT policy formulations for the Nepal government. As being the research operator of AI3/SOI-ASIA IPv6-only Network research project, Dr. Dawadi completed his three months research on IPv6 network from Keio University, Japan and attended the several researches meeting abroad as research/training visit and conference presenter. He served the institute with different posts starting as Network and System Engineer at CIT, Deputy Head at Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Chief Technical Officer at computer based entrance exam of IOE, Board Member of Entrance and Admission Board of IOE, Deputy Chief of Examination Control Division. He is awarded as a best PhD fellow from Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). He is currently serving as a post of Co-chairman at Laboratory for ICT Research and Development (LICT), and Director of Network, Cyber Security and Digital Forensic wing of LICT, an ICT research lab at IOE, TU.
Member (Highest Vote), Tribhuvan University Teachers Association Pulchowk Campus Unit (2022)
Recipients of Equiv. USD 20,000 Collaborative Research Grants, the highest amount researh grants of Nepal form UGC, Nepal - 2022
Recipients of Equiv. USD 4,000 Faculty Research Grants from UGC, Nepal - 2019
Recipients of Equiv. USD 3,000 as PhD Fellow from Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Nepal - 2019
Recipients of PhD Fellow form ERASMUS+ KA 107 Project lead by Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain.
Recipients of PhD Scholarship from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) under the research grants supported by NORAD-Energy for Petroleum Program (EnPe -
Technical Co-Chair, Network Management, Monitoring and Automation, Intl' Coneference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA-2025), Aug.8-11, 2025, Tashkent City, Uzbekistan
Guest Presenter, Topic: "Need of AI for Nepal: From Policy Formulations to Effective Implementations". 23rd Aug. 2024, GiZ Nepal, Sanepla Lalitpur
Keynote Speaker, Topic: "Information Technology in Nepal: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Prospects". 1st June, 2024, Marxist Knowledge Center, Kathmandu Nepal.
Keynote Speaker, Topic: "Towards Cyber Resilience over Emerging Network Environment for Nepal". Nepal Army-4th National Cyber Security Workshop, April 25, 2024, Army Officers' Club, Kathmandu Nepal.
TPC Member, 1st International Workshop on
Unconventional IoT Applications (Un-IoT 2023) IEEE Globecom 2023, December 4-8, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Publicity Chair, International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2023), 6-8 September 2023, Lisbon, Portugal
TPC/Publication Chiar, 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Governance for Sustainable Smart Cities - EAI SmartGov 2022, November 16-18, 2022 Braga, Portugal.
Member of Organizing Committee,International Workshop on
Data Analytics and Machine Intelligence - DAMI'17
Active committee member at Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MoCIT) to formulate Artificial Intelligence (AI) concept paper as a base line for AI policy and laws formulation of Nepal. (Online News - Click Here)
Member of Main and Management committee of MoCIT for ICT Day 2024 ceremony, MoCIT, Nepal
Active Member to launch new Master’s Degree at IOE Pulchowk Campus: MSc Computer Engineering Specialization in Network and Cyber Security. - News
Active committee member at Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MoCIT) to formulate IT and Cyber Security Bill of Nepal.
High level committee member to study on national cyber security issues on behalf of NICT/GIDC operation and formulate policy recommendations to address national cyber security issues of Nepal.
One of the Concept developer and project active member to develop Tribhuvan University integrated website system under the project viz. TU Online Presence Reform Project (TU-OPRP)
Active member to design/architect and implementation to decentralized BE/BArch/MSc Entrance Examination System of IOE (project: Real-time Intranet based Entrance Examination System of IOE – RETIENAS).
Initiated the Exam System Automation project as a System Architect and successfully implemented the Semester Exam Online Application and Admit Card Processing System for BE/BArch/MSc examination of IOE.
Lead the project principle architect for M.Sc. exam result processing and mark-sheets/transcript generation system for IOE Examination Control Division.
Initiated with leading role to establish ICT research laboratory at IOE and holding the post of founding Vice-Chair at Laboratory for ICT Research and Development, IOE, TU. (
Acted as background researcher of National Planning Commission-Nepal to carryout the study on "A study on status measure and proper utilization of rural telecommunications disbursement fund (RTDF) towards digital rural Nepal"
Carried out different projects as country director/coordinator in association with ITU and NTA. Eg. "Stimulating Broadband in Nepal"
Acted with leading role in developing the computer based entrance examination system with policies, regulations and strategies for IOE Entrance examination (
Active member to formulate policy on "Online Real Time Centralized Admission System of IOE" ( (Project Name: Casi-काजी). System Architect to design and implement software for Centralized Admission System of IOE.
Acted as chief researcher (domain experts) to formulate IPv6 network migration plan of Nepal, Nepal Telecommunications Authority (Jan-March, 2014).
Acted as software development coordinator for the first time online application processing of IOE entrance system. The manual system was transferred to online based automated system.
Wiley - Intl' Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS) | Intl' Journal of Intelligent Systems (IJIS) | Complexity | Security and Privacy (SPY) | Emerging Telecmm. Technologies (ETT)
Techpana News - Nepali student's research article on medical image segmentation published in American journal
Techpana News - Nepali researcher's article on 5G services published in prestigious Swiss journal
Gorkhapatra News -Technical HR Shoratge in IT Sector. IT Decade, Higher Education and Technical Human Resources of Nepal, Online version at Techpana. Priprent version available at my Blog-ClickHere
Web Firewall Media News - Deep Learning Technique-Enabled Web Application Firewall for the Detection of Web Attacks. Sensors, MDPI Publications,
CISNetMiN Media News - Deep Learning Technique-Enabled Web Application Firewall for the Detection of Web Attacks. Sensors, MDPI Publications,
Gorkhapatra Daily: Government Online Services to Citizens of Nepal: Hurdle or Facilities - 2079, Pre-print version is available HERE.
Bitter Gourd Article (करेली लेख) at : Expert to Broker, Broker to Expert (Satiric article for Nepelese Expert)
Bitter Gourd Article (करेली लेख) at News (Satiric News for Corrputed Nepelese Govt. Officials): Nepal Government Corrpution Promotion Directives-2080
Techpana News: Engineering subjects choice for +2 Graduates - Own choice or parent's choice?
TechPana News: Quality of Engineering Education towards Professional Engineers.
Subjects taught in the previous sessions since 2003 for BE/BSc:
Computer Programming ( C, C++, & Basic Java)
Data Structure and Algorithms
Database Management Systems
Geographic Information Systems
Data Mining and Warehousing
Networking with IPv6 (Active)
Network and Systems Administration
Internet and Intranet (Active)
Distribtued Systems (Active)
Computer Networks (Active)
Network Programming (Active)
Subjects taught since 2005 for ME/MSc:
Clinet Server Distributed Systems
Advance Database
Next Generation IP and Network Technologies (Active)
Advance Internet Technpogy
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Data Mining and Warehousing (Active)
Distributed and Edge Computing (Active)
Information Security and Audit (Active)
Research and Optimization Methods (Active)
I love Neoali Lok Song, which is an unique creation and style of Nepal.
Sometimes , i used to write Nepali Lok Lyrics. Anyone interested to have Lok Lyrics, i can write lok song if scenario is provided.
Book Chapter: "Digital Economy", under The Second Phase of Economic Reforms in Nepal for Structural Transformation, for Policy Research Institute (PRI) January, 2024.
Book: "40 Hours IT training study material (Textbook)" as per the CA Curriculum for Instittute of Chartered Accountants Nepal (ICAN), Sept 2024
Book: "60 Hours IT training study material (Textbook)" as per the CA Curriculum for Instittute of Chartered Accountants Nepal (ICAN), April 2023
Book-Proceedings: "Smart Technologies
for Sustainable and
Resilient Ecosystems", Sérgio Ivan Lopes, Paula Fraga-Lamas, Tiago M. Fernándes-Camáres, Babu R. Dawadi, Danda B. Rawat, Subarna Shakya, ISSN: 1867-8211, 1867-822X (Electronic), ISBN: 978-3-031-35981-1,978-3-031-35982-8 (eBook), Springer Nature Switzerland, DOI:
Book: A Text Book of C Programming, Ram Datta Bhatta, Babu R. Dawadi, ISBN: 978-99946-1-861-3, Vidyarthi Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu Nepal, 2015
Book: Capsules of C Programming , Babu R. Dawadi, Ram Datta Bhatta, Bidyarthi Pustak Bhandar, ISBN: 978-99946-1-856-9, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2015
Book-Manual: A Practical Guide to Computer Network and Internet Technologies, e-Copy, Manual
Book-Manual: C Programming Lab Manual, e-Copy, Manual
Naba Raj Khatiwoda, Babu R. Dawadi*, & Shashidhar R. Joshi (2024).Capacity and Coverage Dimensioning for 5G Stand Alone Mixed Cell Architecture: An Impact of Using Existing 4G Infrastructure. MDPI Future Internet,
Binod Sapkota, Babu R. Dawadi*, Shashidhar R. Joshi, & Gopal Karn(2024). Traffic-Driven Controller Load Balancing over Multi-Controller Software-Defined Networking Environment. MDPI Network,
Aashish Gyanwali, Binod Sapkota*, Abhishek Koirala, & Babu R. Dawadi (2024). Modular Co-attention Networks in Nepali Visual Question Answering Systems. Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science - AJRCOS,
Binod Sapkota, Rijan Ghimire, Paras Pujara, Shashank Ghimire, Ujjwal Shrestha, Roshani Ghimire, Babu R. Dawadi*, & Shashidhar R. Joshi (2024). 5G Network Deployment Planning Using Metaheuristic Approaches. MDPI, Switzerland, Telecom,
Binita K. Dhamala, Babu R. Dawadi*, Pietro Manzoni*, & Baikuntha
K. Acharya (2024). Performance Evaluation of Graph Neural Network based RouteNet Model with Attention Mechanism. MDPI, Switzerland, FutureInternet,
Babu R. Dawadi*, Anish Sharma, & Yuba Raj Shiwakoti (2023). Prediction of Compromised IoT Infrastructure Using Machine Learning. Advances in Engineering and Technology: An International Journal, NepJol 3(1), Nepal.
Binod Sapkota, Babu R. Dawadi*, & Shashidhar R. Joshi (2023). Controller Placement Problem During SDN Deployment in the ISP/Telco Networks: A Survey. Engineering Reports, Wiley USA .
Babu R. Dawadi*, Bibek Adhikari, & Devesh K. Srivastava (2023). Deep Learning Technique-Enabled Web Application Firewall for the Detection of Web Attacks. Sensors, MDPI Publications.
Binod Sapkota, Babu R. Dawadi*, & Shashidhar R. Joshi (2022). Multi-Controller Placement Optimization Using Naked Mole-Rat Algorithm over Software-Defined Networking Environment. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications (JCNC), Hindawi Publications.
Devesh Kumar Srivastava, Pradeep Kumar Tiwari, Mayank Srivastava, & Babu R Dawadi* (2022).An Energy Efficient Strategy and Secure VM Placement Algorithm in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computational Intelligene and Neuroscience, Volume 2022, ID-5324202, Hindawi Publications, USA.
Babu R Dawadi* (2022). Energy Efficiency and Greening of ICT Infrastructure in Nepal: Regulator’s Roles and Operator’s Responsibilities, Nepal Telecommunications Authority - Smarika, March 2022, PP 40-48, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat, Shashidhar R Joshi, & Pietro Manzoni (2022). Towards Smart Networking with SDN Enabled IPv6 Network. arXiv, 2022,
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat, Shashidhar R Joshi, & Pietro Manzoni (2022). Intelligent Approach to Network Device Migration Planning towards Software-Defined IPv6 Networks. Sensors 2022, 22, 143.
Babu R Dawadi*, Abhishek Thapa, Roshan Guragain, Dilochan Karki, Sandesh P Upadhaya, Shashidhar R Joshi. Routing Performance Evaluation of a Multi-Domain Hybrid SDN for Its Implementation in Carrier Grade ISP Networks. Applied System Innovation. 2021; 4(3):46.
Nava R Khatiwada, & Babu R Dawadi* (2021). A Study on FTTH Implementation and Migration in Nepal. Journal of Engineering Issues and Solutions (JoEIS) Vol 1 Issue 1, NEA Nepal.
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat, Shashidhar R Joshi, Pietro Manzoni, & Martina M Keitsch (2020). Migration cost optimization for service provider legacy network migration to Software-defined IPv6 network. Intl' Journal of Network Management. 2020;e2145, WILEY.,
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat, Shashidhar R Joshi, & Pietro Manzoni (2020).Legacy network integration with SDN-IP implementation towards multi-domain SoDIP6 network environment. Electronics (MDPI).
Prabha Shastri*, Babu R Dawadi, & Shashidhar R Joshi (2020).Intelligent approach to switch replacement planning for Internet service provider networks. Sustainable Futrue (Elsevier).
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat, Shashidhar R Joshi, & Pietro Manzoni (2020).Evolutionary gaming approach for decision making of Tier‐3 Internet service provider networks migration to SoDIP6 networks. Int J Commun Syst. 2020;e4399, WILEY. (Winner of featured cover image of the Vol 33 Issue 11)
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat, Shashidhar R Joshi, & Daya S Baral (2020). Affordable Broadband with Software Defined IPv6 Network for Developing Rural Communities. Appl. Syst. Innov., 3(1), 4; MDPI,
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat, Shashidhar R Joshi & Martina M Keitsch (2019). Towards energy efficiency and green network infrastructuredeployment in Nepal using software defined IPv6 network paradigm.E J Info Sys Dev Countries. e12114. WILEY.,
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat, & Shashidhar R Joshi (2020). Evolutionary Dynamics of Service Provider Legacy Network Migration to Software Defined IPv6 Network. In: Boonyopakorn P., Meesad P., Sodsee S., Unger H. (eds) Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 936. SPRINGER, Cham.
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat & Shashidhar R Joshi. Software Defined IPv6 Network: A New Paradigm for Future Networking, Journal of the Institute of Engineering, 15(2), 2019.
Babu R Dawadi*, Tri Ratna Bajracharya, Ram Chandra Sapkota, Subarna Shakya, Arbind Kumar Mishra, Bharat Raj Pahari, Daya Sagar Baral, Aman Shakya, Sanjeeb Prasad Panday, Arun Kumar Timalsina, & Shashidhar Ram Joshi (2018). RETIENAS: Real Time Intranet based Entrance Examination System at Institute of Engineering. Journal of the Institute of Engineering, 13(1).
Dipak K.C., & Babu R Dawadi*, (2017). Packet Loss Recovery and Control for VoIP. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 6(5), May 2017, 1804 - 1808.
Babu R Dawadi*, & Daya Sagar Baral (2017). Towards Automation in the Admission Process as a Tool to Enhance Quality of Engineering Education at Tribhuvan University. Journal of Institute of Engineering, 13(1), Kathmandu, Nepal.
Triratna Bajracharya, Babu R Dawadi*, & Ram Chandra Sapkota, (2017). Restructuring Examination System of IOE for Establishing Center of Excellency in Engineering Education. Journal of the Institute of Engineering, 13(1), Kathmandu, Nepal.
Ram Chandra Panday,Babu R Dawadi*, Suman Sharma, & Abinash Basnet (2017). Dictionary Based Nepali Word Recognition using Neural Network. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 5, May-2017 ISSN 2229-5518.
Babu R Dawadi*, & Subarna Shakya (2016). ICT Implementation and Infrastructure Deployment Approach for Rural Nepal . In: Meesad P., Boonkrong S., Unger H. (eds) Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 463. Springer, Cham.
Babu R Dawadi*, & Rajendra Paudyal (2016). Tri-Angular Monitoring Approach for Real Time Container Migration. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR),, 5(6), June 2016, 774 - 781,
Babu R Dawadi*, Subarna Shakya, & Rajendra Paudyal (2016). CoMMoN: The Real-Time Container and Migration Monitoring as a Service in the Cloud. International Journal of Institute of Engineering, 11(2), ISSN 1810-3383, Nepal.
Babu R Dawadi*, Shashidhar Ra,m Joshi, & Ananda Raj Khanal (2015), Service Provider IPv4 to IPv6 Network Migration Strategies. Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Science, 6(10), ISSN: 2079-8407, Oct. 2015
Babu R Dawadi*, Subarna Shakya, & Ananda Raj Khanal, (2015). Government Roadmap for IPv4 to IPv6 Network Migration: Case of Nepal. Journal of the Institute of Engineering, 11(1), 67-78. ISSN 1810-3383,
Peer Reviewed Conference/Workshop Papers
Naba Raj Khatiwoda, Babu R Dawadi*, & Shashidhar R. Joshi (2024), "An Integrated Architecture of RIS-based Non-Terrestrial Networks with 6G for Rural Communications", December 2024, Greater Noida, India, IEEE International Conference..
Sakar Pudasaini , Babu R Dawadi*, Roshani Ghimire, Giovanni Pau, & Binod Sapkota(2023), " SDN Enabled L2 Switch Implementation and its Performance Evaluation through P4 Programming ", IC2IT2024-20th Intl Conference, Bangkok Thailand, May 16-17, 2024. IC2IT 2024 Proceedings
Binita Kusum Dhamala, Babu R Dawadi*, Baikuntha K. Acharya, & Pietro Manzoni (2023), " QoS-oriented Adaptive Routing in Distributed SDN
using SARSA Reinforcement Learning ", ISMAC20237th Intl' Conference on I-SMAC, Purwanchal Campus, Nepal, Oct. 11-13, 2023.
Gopal Karn, Binod Sapkota, & Babu R Dawadi (2023), "Traffic Classification and Load Balancing in SDN Environment", IOEGC1313th IOE Graduate Conference, Purwanchal Campus, Nepal, Apr 6-7, 2023.
Prastav Pokharel, & Babu R Dawadi* (2023). "Federated Machine Learning for Self-Driving Car and Minizing Data Heterogeneity Effect", IC2IT, The 19th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-19 May 2023. Book Chapter-Cick Here
Sobit Regmi, & Babu R Dawadi* (2022), "Earthquake Affected Buildings Damage Classification Using Machine Learning", IOEGC1212th IOE Graduate Conference, Thapathali-Kathmandu, Nepal, Oct 19-Oct 22 2022.
Bibek Adhikari , & Babu R Dawadi* (2022), "Long short term memory based Web application firewall to detect Different types of Web attacks", IOEGC1212th IOE Graduate Conference, Thapathali-Kathmandu, Nepal, Oct 19-Oct 22 2022.
Diwos Karki, & Babu R Dawadi* (2022), "Machine Learning based DDoS Detection System in Software-Defined Networking", IOEGC1111th IOE Graduate Conference, Pulchowk, Nepal, Sept 30-Oct 2 2021.
Sonu Singh, Daya Sagar Baral, & Babu R Dawadi (2021), "Energy Efficiency of Software Defined Wireless Network ", IOEGC1010th IOE Graduate Conference, Pulchowk, Nepal, Sept 30-Oct 2 2021.
Abhishek Thapa, Dilochan Karki, Roshan Guragain, Sandesh P Upadhaya, Babu R Dawadi*, & Shashidhar R Joshi (2021), "An Experimental Evaluation of Multi-domain
Routing in SDN and its Inter-operability with
Legacy Networks", IEEE-CONECCT-2021 International Conference on Electronics, Computing, and Communication Technologies, Banglore, India, 9-11 July 2021.
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat, Shashidhar R Joshi, & Pietro Manzoni (2021), "ANFIS based classification model for network device migration towards SoDIP6 networks," CCNC 2021-IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Track: Software Defined Networking/Network Function Virtualization", Nevada, Las Vegas, USA, 9-12 January, 2021,
Prabha Shastri, Babu R Dawadi*, & Shashidhar R Joshi (2020), "Network device status detection using ANFIS based classification for ISP networks upgrade planning,"IOEGC-2020-8th IOE Graduate Conference ", Kathmandu, Nepal, 5-7 June, 2020
Babu R Dawadi*, Daya S Baral, Danda B Rawat, & Shashidhar R Joshi (2019), "Afordable Broadband with Software Defined IPv6 Network for Rural Communities," ICQRIT 2019-10th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Infocom Technology and Business Operations - Towards Smart, Reliable and Sustainable Future", Hotel Himalaya, Nepal, 18-19 June, 2019
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B Rawat, & Shashidhar R Joshi (2019), "Evolutionary Dynamics of Service Provider Legacy Network Migration to Software Defined IPv6 Network," Proc. of the 15th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (IC2IT), Arnoma Grand Hotel Bangkok, Thailand, Jul 4, 2019 - Jul 5, 2019. (Awarded as top five Best Student Paper)
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B. Rawat, Shashidhar Ram Joshi, & Martina Keitsch (2019), "Recommendations for Energy Efficient SoDIP6 Network Deployment at the Early Stage Rural ICT Expansion of Nepal," Proc. of the 2019 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC): Green Computing, Networking, and Communications, February 18-21, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Babu R Dawadi*, Danda B. Rawat, Shashidhar Ram Joshi, & Martina Keitsch (2018), "Joint Cost Estimation Approach for Service Provider Legacy Network Migration to Unified Software Defined IPv6 Network," Proc. of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (IEEE CIC 2018) and International Workshop on Technology Convergence for Smart Cities (TeC4C 2018), Oct 18 - 20, 2018, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.,
Shashidhar. R. Joshi, & Babu R Dawadi* (2008), "IPv6-only Network for Today`s Internet: Prospects and Problems",International Conference on Electronic Commerce in the 21st Century, Center Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (CDCSIT), Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2008
Babu R Dawadi*, & Purushottam Sigdel (2008), "School On Internet: An Online Education Project in Asia and Its IPv6 only Network Infrastructure", National Conference on Science and Technology, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2008
My PhD Defense
Prof. Shashidhar R Joshi, PhD
Full Professor and Dean,
Institute of Engineering,
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Founding Chairman, Laboratory for ICT Research and Development
Prof. Danda B Rawat, PhD
Full Professor,
Department of Electrical Engg. and Computer Science,
Director, DoD Center of Excellence, in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Director, Data Science and Cyber Security Center, and CWiNs Research Lab
Graduate Program Director, Howard CS Graduate Program
Howard Unviersity, Washington, DC, 20059, USA
Visiting Advisor(s):
Prof. Pietro Manzoni, PhD
Full Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, School of Informatics
UPV, Valencia, Spain
GRC Lab,
baburd at ioe dot edu dot np || baburd at gmail dot com I prefer your SMS/E-Mail rather a Phone Call which may distrub the works for yourself and myself both.
Visit time with BE/MSc/PhD students for Project/Research progress review: Every Monday 13:15 NPT onwards, @LICT LAB. Student can contact directly, if he/she wants guided project/reserach with my given project/research topic that may include possible funding.
Recommendation Policy: Generally, I prefer highly Disciplined/Dedicated/Determined students having adademic performance of about 75% or above (Equiv. Grade B+) in their bachelor degree for study aboroad or Job application in the industry.
Transparancy is the most important policy >> please, only write E-mail to Me to maintain transpancy in our associated activities.
Sources of Research and Project Funding Brought up to IOE:
ICT Excellence Center established at IOE-Funding Support, 2024: 30 Million US Dollar
New Masters porgram launched, 2024: MSc Computer Engineering Specializaton in Network and Cyber Security launched at IOE Pulchowk Campus, obtained funding support from UGC: Equv. 46 Thousands US Dollar
A Research Study on "Cyber Physical System Feasibility Study of Udayapur Cement Industry", Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies, Gov. of Nepal.: Equiv. 20 Thousands US Dollar
TU-OPRP Project, 2023 from TU: Equiv. 136 Thousands US Dollar (Equiv. 50 Thousands US Dollar at IOE)
Faculty Research Grants from UGC, 2018: Equiv. 4 Thousands US Dollar
Running Projects/Researches: (Students under my Supervision, except progress presentaion, have to submit/Show their progress report at most every 15 days via e-mail/Physical)
1. 2022 - Context, Issues and Solutions Towards 5G Network Migraiton of Nepal (CISNetMiN) (UGC Grants - USD 20,000)
PhD Student(s):
Name: Binod Sapkota
Year of Enrollment: February, 2022
Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Shashidhar R. Joshi, Dr. Babu R. Dawadi
Areas: SDN in 5G Network, Controller Placement, Load Balancing in SDN
Name: Nabaraj Khatiwada
Year of Enrollment: February, 2022
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Shashidhar R. Joshi, Co-Supervisor: Dr. Babu R. Dawadi
Areas: 5G network migration, techno-economic impact of 5G network adoption, 5G network adoption in developing countries
Running and Completed Projects/Research/Theses:
1. 2021- Assess and examine the interference due to frequency allocation for new technologies such as 5G and Short-Range Devices (SRDs) - 5GSRD 2. 2018 - Transformation to Future Networking with Broadband Implementation: Status of Nepal and the Steps Ahead (TraFNet) (UGC Grants - USD 4,000)
2025-, Performance Evaluation of Photonic Quantum Router - Repeater Network Designed for Kathmandu Metropolitan City Scholars:
Chitran Pokharel (MSc-CSKE)
2025-, Enhancing IoT System Security Using IPv6 Addressless Architecture
Ashmita Tiwari (MSc-DSA)
2024-2025, Implementing Genetic Algorithm Based Hybrid Encryption Policy in Software Defined Network Scholars:
Chitran Pokharel (MSc-CSKE)
2024-2025, Agent-based End Host Monitoring in Security Critical SDN Enabled IPv6 Intranet:
Adhyadesh Dahal (BE)
Arbashu Dhakal (BE)
Bishal Panta (BE) Visiting Advisor: Prof. Dr. Bishnu Gautam, Kanajawa University, Japan
2024-2025, Intrusion Prevention System on Software Defined Network Scholars:
Ranjeev Shrestha (MSc-ICE)
(Not in Contact)
2024-2025, 5G Networks Migratin Optimization using Evotionary Game Theory Scholars:
Arjun Ray (BE)
Manish Kr. Yadav (BE)
Aabhash Thapa (BE)
2024-2025, Performance Analysis of MQTT and ZeroMQ for V2X Communicaiton over 5G Networks Scholar:
Aditya Timalsina (BE)
Ashutosh Bohara (BE)
Nirajan Shresth (BE)
Foreign Advisor: Prof. Dr. Pietro Manzoni
2023-2024, Near Real Time Attack Detection and Mitigation over Multi Controller based SDN Environment using Machine Learning Scholar:
Manish Kr. Yadav (BE)
Arjun Ray (BE)
2023-2024, Performance Analysis of QUIC Protocol in 5G Network Environment Scholars:
Sakar Pudasaini (MSc, ICE)
2023-2024, Performance Evaluation of Graph Neural Network based RouteNet Model with Attention Mechanism Scholar: Binita Kusum Dhamala (MSc, ICE)
Visiting Advisor: Prof. Dr. Pietro Manzoni
2022-2023, Framework for Distributed Application Development Scholars:
Pranjal Pokharel (BE)
Sandesh Ghimire (BE)
Sanskar Amgain (BE)
Tilk Chand (BE)
2022-2023, QoS Oriented Adaptive Routing in Distributed Software Defined
Network using SARSA Reinforcement Learning Scholar: Binita Kusum Dhamala (MSc, ICE)
Visiting Advisor: Prof. Dr. Pietro Manzoni
2022-2023, SDN Enabled L2 Switch Implementation and its Performance
Evaluation through P4 Programming Scholar: Sakar Pudasaini (MSc, ICE)
Visiting Advisor: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Pau
2021-2022, Federated Machine Learning for Self Driving Car and Minimizing Data Heterogeneity Effect Scholar: Prastav Pokharel (MSc, ICE)