Babu R. Dawadi, Institute of Engineering - Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University

PAN: 100546561



Babu R. Dawadi, PhD Computer Engg., MSc Info. and Comm. Engg., Masters of Public Administration
Asst. Professor (उप-प्राध्यापक) , Institute of Engineering (IOE), Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University (TU)
Co-Chairman, Laboratory for ICT Research and Development (LICT), IOE, TU
Director, Networks, Cyber Security and Digital Forensic Wing of LICT
Chairman, Class 9-12, Computer Engineering Subject Committee, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology-GoN
Coordinator, MSc Computer Engineering Specialization in Network and Cyber Security (MSNCS), IOE Pulchowk Campus, Nepal
Member, Implementation Committee, Research, Training and Consulting Unit, DOECE, IOE Pulchowk Campus, Nepal
Member, Execution Committee, NTA Excellence Center for ICT Research and Development, IOE-NTA Project
Member, IT Sub-Committee, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
Principal Investigator, UGC Collaborative Research Grants Project -CISNetMiN (ID: CRG-078/79-Engg-01)
Editor, IOE News Bulletin, IOE, TU
e-mail: baburd @ ioe . edu . np, baburd @ gmail . com

Scholar Profile | Research Gate | Linked-In | Personal Blog | Campus | LICT | GitHub |   

Scientist Identifier: Orcid | WebOfScience | Scopus | Loop | NRI-NAST0000329


Previous Associated Laboratories: GRC LAB - UPV | Product Design Lab - NTNU | CWiN Lab - Howard | Data Lab - Ljubljana | Murai Lab - Keio

Past Affiliations:

MSc Program Coordinator, MSc in Information and Communicaiton Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, IOE
Founding Vice-Chairman, Laboratory for ICT Research and Development (LICT), IOE, TU
Visiting Reserach Scholar, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)-Norway
Visiting Reserach Scholar, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Valencia, Spain
NAST PhD Fellow, UPV-ERASMUS+ PhD Scholar
Principal Investigator, UGC Faculty Research Grant Project -TraFNet (ID: FRG-074/75-Engg-01)
Deputy Controller, Examination Control Division, IOE Pulchowk, Tribhuvan University
Board Member & Chief Technical Officer, IOE Entrance and Admission Board
Deputy Head, Department of Electronics and Computer Engg., IOE Pulchowk Campus, TU
Asst. Director, Nepal Telecommunications Authority, Nepal
Short Term Research Intern, KEIO University, SFC, Japan (WIDE, AI3/SOI-ASIA Project)
Project Country Coordinator, Stimulating Broadband in Nepal, ITU Mission Project of Nepal
System Engineer/Incharge, Center for Information Technology (CIT), IOE Pulchowk Campus


Brief Biography:    



Babu R. Dawadi has completed his bachelors degree in Computer Engineering in 2003, M.Sc. in Information & Communication Engineering in 2008, and PhD in Computer Engineering in 2021 from Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University Nepal. Additionally he completed his Masters in Publication Administration Degree in 2013 from Tribhuvan University. Dr. Dawadi had worked as an Asst. Director at Nepal Telecommunications Authority, an autonomous ICT regulatory body of Nepal from Dec. 2009 to Nov. 2012. Since Nov. 2012, he is the full time faculty at Department of electronics and computer engineering, IOE, Pulchowk Campus. He has deserved himself in teaching different subjects under Computer Science and Engineering for bachelor, Masters, and PhD level. Dr. Dawadi has ample experiences of handling networking and internet server system with IPv6 research network at Center for Information Technology (CIT), IOE Pulchowk Campus being worked as System/Network Engineer and System In-charge of CIT. He worked as consultant IT specialist at organizations like World Bank and in different ICT policy formulations for the Nepal government. As being the research operator of AI3/SOI-ASIA IPv6-only Network research project, Dr. Dawadi completed his three months research on IPv6 network from Keio University, Japan and attended the several researches meeting abroad as research/training visit and conference presenter. He served the institute with different posts starting as Network and System Engineer at CIT, Deputy Head at Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Chief Technical Officer at computer based entrance exam of IOE, Board Member of Entrance and Admission Board of IOE, Deputy Chief of Examination Control Division. He is awarded as a best PhD fellow from Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). He is currently serving as a post of Co-chairman at Laboratory for ICT Research and Development (LICT), and Director of Network, Cyber Security and Digital Forensic wing of LICT, an ICT research lab at IOE, TU.

Professional Association (Elect):




  • Recipients of Equiv. USD 20,000 Collaborative Research Grants, the highest amount researh grants of Nepal form UGC, Nepal - 2022
  • Recipients of Equiv. USD 4,000 Faculty Research Grants from UGC, Nepal - 2019
  • Recipients of Equiv. USD 3,000 as PhD Fellow from Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Nepal - 2019
  • Recipients of PhD Fellow form ERASMUS+ KA 107 Project lead by Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain.
  • Recipients of PhD Scholarship from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) under the research grants supported by NORAD-Energy for Petroleum Program (EnPe -
  • PhD Research and Publications support from US National Science Foundation via Prof. Rawat’s Research Grants

  • Active committee member at Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MoCIT) to formulate Artificial Intelligence (AI) concept paper as a base line for AI policy and laws formulation of Nepal. (Online News - Click Here)
  • Member of Main and Management committee of MoCIT for ICT Day 2024 ceremony, MoCIT, Nepal
  • Active Member to launch new Master’s Degree at IOE Pulchowk Campus: MSc Computer Engineering Specialization in Network and Cyber Security. - News
  • Active committee member at Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MoCIT) to formulate IT and Cyber Security Bill of Nepal.
  • High level committee member to study on national cyber security issues on behalf of NICT/GIDC operation and formulate policy recommendations to address national cyber security issues of Nepal.
  • One of the Concept developer and project active member to develop Tribhuvan University integrated website system under the project viz. TU Online Presence Reform Project (TU-OPRP)
  • Active member to design/architect and implementation to decentralized BE/BArch/MSc Entrance Examination System of IOE (project: Real-time Intranet based Entrance Examination System of IOE – RETIENAS).
  • Initiated the Exam System Automation project as a System Architect and successfully implemented the Semester Exam Online Application and Admit Card Processing System for BE/BArch/MSc examination of IOE. 
  • Lead the project principle architect for M.Sc. exam result processing and mark-sheets/transcript generation system for IOE Examination Control Division.
  • Geust speaker as CPRSouth Alumni regarding "Capacity Building through Policy Influence:Stories from CPRSouth".
  • Initiated with leading role to establish ICT research laboratory at IOE and holding the post of founding Vice-Chair at Laboratory for ICT Research and Development, IOE, TU. (
  • Acted as background researcher of National Planning Commission-Nepal to carryout the study on "A study on status measure and proper utilization of rural telecommunications disbursement fund (RTDF) towards digital rural Nepal"
  • Carried out different projects as country director/coordinator in association with ITU and NTA. Eg. "Stimulating Broadband in Nepal"
  • Attended as Guest Speaker at the ITU Workshop on Bridging the Standardization Gap (
  • Acted with leading role in developing the computer based entrance examination system with policies, regulations and strategies for IOE Entrance examination (
  • Active member to formulate policy on "Online Real Time Centralized  Admission System of IOE" ( (Project Name: Casi-काजी). System Architect to design and implement software for Centralized Admission System of IOE.
  • Acted as chief researcher (domain experts) to formulate IPv6 network migration plan of Nepal, Nepal Telecommunications Authority (Jan-March, 2014).
  • Acted as software development coordinator for the first time online application processing of IOE entrance system. The manual system was transferred to online based automated system.

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